Business Ethics

Ethical and Transparent Business Conduct

At Stendhal, we are committed to complying with the highest standards of business integrity, industry codes, and local and international legislation on anti-corruption practices, transparency, anti-money laundering and economic competition.

Message from the Chief Compliance Officer

Business Ethics is a fundamental element of Stendhal's DNA; it urges those who are part of the organization to face the challenges we face and build our future, always acting in line with the highest standards of integrity.
With the objectives of a) ensuring compliance with the obligations undertaken with Healthcare Professionals and Institutions, Patients, Authorities, Business Partners, Shareholders, Directors, and Society in general; b) guaranteeing ethical behavior in our business activities; and c) protecting the reputation of Stendhal, we enforce a Compliance Program based on our values: Excellence, Integrity, Innovation, Human Sense, Transparency, and Frugality.
Our Program consists of a series of Policies aligned with ethical standards required by pharmaceutical industry codes and national and international legislation on anti-corruption, data protection and economic competition, widespread training programs on these policies, communication campaigns, supervision activities through the monitoring and audit of sensitive processes, and the existence and availability of internal and external communication channels that allow the anonymous and confidential processing of reports received.
Stendhal has a Total Compliance Team dedicated to this duty, with a direct reporting line to the Board of Directors. The message issued by Senior Management complements the operation of the program.
For those of us at Stendhal, our responsibility as a pharmaceutical company and part of the value chain that participates in the creation of medicines that help recover and maintain health is clear. By implementing the Compliance Program, we ensure that we are part of the chain of trust that contributes to the ethical sustainability of the pharmaceutical industry in Mexico and Latin America.

Corporate policies:

  • Code of Conduct

    Its purpose is to formalize and disseminate the standards of behavior that guide all actions in the performance of our duties and reflect our commitment to business ethics. Our performance is measured both by results and the way they are achieved.
    It is important to highlight that our Code of Conduct applies to all executives and employees of Stendhal.
    All executives and employees must acknowledge and sign the Code of Conduct Adherence Manifesto upon joining the company. This manifesto is updated by each executive or employee annually.

  • Code of Conduct for Business Partners, Distributors, and Suppliers

    Its purpose is to communicate Stendhal’s expectations of business ethics when doing business or collaborating on projects with Business Partners, Distributors, and Suppliers.

  • Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy

    Our Policy aims to ensure that all our negotiations and operations with third parties, especially with Governments and Government Officials, are carried out in compliance with all relevant laws and regulations in the matter, guaranteeing our adherence to the highest standards of business integrity. This Policy is applicable to all managers and employees of Stendhal, as well as to third parties with whom we have business relations. It clarifies the guidelines and mechanisms for the prevention, detection, and immediate response to any act of corruption that may occur in our activities.
    Todos los directivos y colaboradores deben responder y firmar el Manifiesto Anticorrupción al momento de ingresar a la compañía. Dicho manifiesto es actualizado por cada directivo o colaborador anualmente.
    La política incluye un proceso de “Due Diligence”*, que consiste en una serie de revisiones previas a la firma de un contrato o al inicio de un negocio, para evaluar al Tercero con el objetivo de mitigar riesgos de vinculación con personas físicas o morales no alineadas a nuestros estándares de ética de negocios.
    Por la naturaleza del negocio de Stendhal, no se realizan actividades vulnerables de procedencia ilícita ni transacciones en efectivo.
    Stendhal enfatiza en tener “”Cero Tolerancia y prohibición de prácticas corruptas al soborno y pagos de facilitación””, por lo que ponemos a disposición de todos los colaboradores y terceros la “”Línea de Denuncia”” con la finalidad de que puedan reportar cualquier violación a nuestras políticas o a la legislación nacional o internacional.
    Es un mandato del Consejo de Administración, que las actividades diarias del negocio sean íntegras y transparentes, por lo que es obligación del Chief Compliance Officer reportar al Consejo las actividades relacionadas con el Programa de Compliance.
    El monitoreo de las actividades del Programa de Compliance y de prevención de prácticas corruptas se incluye en el Plan anual de Auditoría Interna, el cual es aprobado por el Comité de Auditoría Interna.
    Proceso de certificación ISO 9001


    Prevención de Lavado de Dinero y Recursos de Procedencia Ilícita

    En Stendhal rechazamos cualquier transacción financiera que tenga como finalidad operar con dinero o bienes que se han adquirido mediante actos o transacciones ilegales, pretendiendo darle un origen en apariencia legal.
    Aun cuando Stendhal no realiza operaciones vulnerables de acuerdo a lo establecido en la Ley Federal para la Prevención e Identificación de Operaciones con Recursos de Procedencia Ilícita (LFPIORPI) de México, de manera preventiva, establecimos los siguientes lineamientos enfocados en prevenir el lavado de dinero:
    Está prohibido realizar conscientemente transacciones financieras que se presten a sospecha de lavado de dinero o manejo de recursos que provengan de actividades ilícitas.
    Para realizar transacciones interbancarias con personas físicas/morales, es necesario contar con requisitos que permitan identificarlas adecuadamente.
    Todas las facturas deben emitirse a nombre del titular que realiza los pagos.
    Se prohíben las transacciones en efectivo (excepto ventas a público en general).
    Se prohíben las transacciones financieras con menores de edad.
    Se prohíbe liquidar o pagar, así como aceptar la liquidación o el pago, de actos u operaciones mediante el uso de monedas y billetes, en moneda nacional o divisas y metales preciosos.


  • Conflict of Interest Policy

    Our Policy is to provide all Stendhal employees with information and guidelines to correctly act in situations that could potentially compromise their decision-making due to the existence of a conflict of interest. To this end, the guidelines and mechanisms for detecting, disclosing, and recording potential conflicts of interest are available to our employees.
    All managers and employees must sign the Manifesto of Declaration of Conflict of Interest upon entering the company; each manager or employee annually updates this manifesto.

  • Donations and Grants Policy

    Principles with which we regulate donations and grants in kind or monetary, and the procedures by which we make decisions regarding Stendhal’s participation in community and institutional projects and humanitarian crisis situations. This Policy applies to all directors and employees of Stendhal.

  • Policy on Interactions with Government Officials

    This Policy applies to all directors and employees of Stendhal. It establishes the principles that must govern interactions with Government Officials, from setting the intention and defining the objectives of said interactions, to documenting the results and actions derived therefrom. Our goal is to ensure that all of Stendhal’s negotiations and operations with Government Officials are conducted in compliance with all national and international laws and regulations, and in accordance with the highest standards of business integrity, as set forth in our Code of Conduct.

Stendhal Policy

  • Policy on Business Interactions with Healthcare Professionals

    Our Policy establishes conduct guidelines that govern our Business Interactions with Healthcare Professionals and how to carry them out in accordance with our values and policies, and local and international legislation and regulations.

  • Commercial Interactions Policy (SLM and PRONME)

    Our Policy establishes guidelines of conduct that govern our Business Interactions with Health Care Professionals in relation to Breast Milk Substitutes (BMS) and the way in which they are carried out, in accordance with our values, policies, local legislation and regulations. and international, in which respect and promotion of breastfeeding prevail.

    Our Policy establishes guidelines of conduct that govern our Commercial Interactions with Health Care Professionals in relation to Products for Special Medical Needs (ProNME) and the way in which they are carried out, in accordance with our values, policies, legislation and regulation. local and international.

  • Medical-Scientific Interactions Policy

    Our Policy establishes conduct guidelines that govern our Medical-Scientific Interactions with Healthcare Professionals and how to carry them out in accordance with our values and policies, and local and international legislation and regulations.

  • Policy on Patient Interactions

    Our Policy establishes conduct guidelines that govern our Interactions with Patients and Patient Advocacy Organizations and how to carry them out in accordance with our values and policies, and local and international legislation and regulations.

  • Local Expenses and Employee Travel Policy

    This Policy establishes internal guidelines that employees must follow in relation to the approval and verification of travel expenses and local expenses that arise from business activities to guarantee the proper and timely monitoring thereof.

  • Consequence System Policy

    Our Policy establishes the application of sanctions derived from behaviors and conducts that deviate from our values and violate our Code of Conduct, Policies, and Procedures, and/or applicable local or international legislation.


  • Gifts, Entertainment, and Benefits

    In accordance with our Code of Conduct, Stendhal prohibits accepting or soliciting, from any supplier, any gifts, entertainment, valuables, favors or improper business conditions for personal gain which may constitute a commitment or influence purchasing decisions or criteria.

  • Training

    All employees and managers participate in the training program included in the company entry and induction process and in the annual Compliance Training Program, which includes the following policies:

    • Code of Conduct
    • Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy
    • Conflict of Interest Policy
    • Policy on Business Interactions with Healthcare Professional
    • Medical-Scientific Interactions Policy
    • Policy on Interactions with Patients and Patient Advocacy Organizations
    • Policy on Interactions with Government Officials
    • Donations and Grants Policy

    Trainings are assigned according to the job description and imparted in person and/or through an e-learning platform. The employee or manager must complete the training(s) with a minimum grade of 8. All managers and employees must sign the Anti-Corruption Manifesto, Manifesto of Adherence to the Code of Conduct, and Manifesto of Declaration of Conflict of Interest upon entering the company; each manager or employee annually updates these manifestos.

    If you would like to learn more about our policies, please write to us at

All employees or third parties related to Stendhal who may have any information or reasonable suspicion of unethical acts or conducts that violate our Policies or Code of Conduct must immediately report it through our whistleblower hotline, which is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Toll-Free Number
01 800 310 3310 (México)

Toll-Free Number
01 800 310 3310 (México)



+52 (55) 5255 1322

P.O. Box
CON-080, CDMX, Mexico.

Our whistleblower hotline is operated independently to guarantee the confidentiality and anonymity of the whistleblower. Retaliation against whistleblowers is expressly prohibited.

In 2023, CETIFARMA granted us the certificate of Company with Transparent Practices with a validity of 3 years.

In 2013, 2015, 2016, and 2019, CETIFARMA granted us the certificate of Company with Transparent Practices (EPT, acronym in Spanish).

Logo Stendhal

Tel. +(52) 55 2000 66 30
Address: Camino a Santa Teresa No. 1040, Mezzanine 1, Col. Jardines en la Montaña,
Alcaldía Tlalpan, C.P. 14210, Ciudad de México, México

© Stendhal International 2024. All Rights Reserved. Stendhal Pharma is owned by Específicos Stendhal, S.A. de C.V.